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Maya Williams

Stay: Poets on Suicide and Survival
Register for this online panel and reading of different poets talking about suicidality and survival for Suicide Awareness Month. Thank...

Harbor Editions is Releasing My Second Book, Refused a Second Date!
I'm very grateful to Allison Blevins of Harbor Editions for reaching out to me directly asking me about my work. My second collection of...

"Loving Your Family Hurts" Won a PortFringe Pulitzer!
PortFringe's festival this year has a range of award categories in the Critics Choice Section to celebrate the range of theater this...

Sign Up for the Sixth/Final Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based artist, or group of artists, on a weekly poetry workshop each month for the...

I'm on the Emotional Support Lady Podcast!
I had the INCREDIBLE opportunity to talk with Allison Raskin on her podcast Emotional Support Lady! We talked about my book coming out...

I Did a TEDx Talk!
I was invited to do a TEDx Talk on Friday, April 8th of this year. And now it's finally available for all to see! I talked about my...

Sign Up for Fifth Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based artist, or group of artists, on a weekly poetry workshop each month for the...

Sign Up for Fourth Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based artist, or group of artists, on a weekly poetry workshop each month for the...

Sign Up for Third Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based artist, or group of artists, on a weekly poetry workshop each month for the...

Sign Up for Second Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based artist, or group of artists, on a weekly poetry workshop each month for the...

Sign Up for First Session in Poetry Across Workshop Series!
First round of Portland Poet Laureate programming is happening in The New Year! Each month, I'll be working with a different Maine based...

My First Tree Light Reading
I had the opportunity to read alongside Gibson Fay-LeBlanc for a tree lighting at the Portland Museum of Art last night. I have never...

Dialogue in Celebration of Rev. Jen Bailey's To My Beloveds
AME Minister and Founder of Faith Matters Network Rev. Jennifer Bailey has a new book coming out: To My Beloveds. It is a beautiful...

Blue Hill Literary Arts Festival Reading
This is my first time participating in the annual writing event Word: Blue Hill Literary Arts Festival! Join me and fellow poets online...

I'm Publishing My First Book of Poems!!!!!!
I have wanted this for such a long time. And I am so proud that myself and fellow future pressmates have been selected to publish our...

Faith, Poetry, and Suicide on The Bible Bash Podcast
This was such a good way to conclude Suicide Awareness Month for me listening to this episode released today. I had the honor and...

Interview with Sundress Publications' Lyric Essentials
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi asked me lovely questions about my own poetry work and my adoration for Anis Mojgani's poetry work. You can read...
Seventh Portland Poet Laureate
This is the most INCREDIBLE news I have received all year thus far! After going through a nomination process, making it top three...

Judas and Suicide: A Night of Spoken Word & Visual Art with Mad Horse Theatre Company
I haven't had a spoken word show of this much importance since the PortFringe festival. I would love for you to sit with me virtually for...

CYWOC's Exhibition A
Join us Saturday, March 27th to honor the opening of Coded by Young Women of Color (CYWOC) founded by Janay Woodruff in Portland Maine!...
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